Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mr aaban free essay sample

An employees contract of employment may be terminated by either the employer or the employer or the employee giving the notice required by the applicable award or the industrial Relation act 1990. Where the prescribed notice is not given, the employee shall be paid wages in lieu of notice, or the employer may withhold wages due to the employee. Part 2 Notwithstanding Part 1 above, where any employee is guilty of misconduct, the contract of employment may be terminated instantaneously. Where it is alleged that an employee is guilty of misconduct, the employee shall be provided with details of the allegation/s and be given a reasonable opportunity to respond to allegations prior to a decisions being made to either terminate the employment or to issue a written warning. Part 3 where it is alleged that an employees capacity or performance is unsatisfactory, then the following procedure should be followed. The existence of this procedure shall not prevent an employee being dismissed in accordance with part 2 above. The initial discussion and direction will be provided on an informal basis by Business manager of other authorised person. If the problem/s persist the Business manager to other authorised person will discuss with employee. 1. the matter/s of concern; 2. action necessary to resolve the concerns; and 3. a timetable for improvement to be evidence. input including explanations will be sought from the employee. As a result of this discussion the Business manager or other authorised person will notify the employee in writing regarding those matters in question discussed per clause 3. 5 above The notice will detail; 1 the matter/s of concern; 2. actions necessary to resolve the concerns; 3. a timetable for improvement to be evidenced. This notice will be signed and confirmed by the employee to recorded the discussion (3) above. of there is a disagreement as to the content of the notice the employee shall have the opportunity for their view to be placed on the record. Appropriate monitoring and counselling shall then be provided to the employee by the business manager or other authorised person. part 4 at any meeting or discussion forming part of the process in part2 or 3, the employee nay be accompanied by a union representative or other person of the employees choosing. Macville Private Incident Hazard Form Incident/ Hazard Report Form Given Name: John Family name: Dawson Position Title: Equipment Assistant International? Yes No Visiting Student Agency Personnel Visitor Contractor Employee number/ Student ID : s654 Address: 57 Mitford Crescent Craigieburn Division: 50 Management Unit: 15 TAFE Unit/ Sub Management Unit: 20 DOB: 02/06/1985 Gender: M F Contact details: 86557342 Have you reported this to your Team Leader/ Manager? Yes No Date 15/08/2012 notified Yes Name ( please Print): Matthew Contact: 0432654678 Macville Private Questions and Answers for Incident Hazard Form Question1. Feed back for the use of Templates: Answer: For Incident Hazard form we got feedback from the employees and management committee so made some changes in it. In incident hazard form we got the feedback from employee suggested that we need to add more question in section 2 details of incident. Rest of the format for this template was achieved good response from all of them. Question 2. Change in template after feedback Answer: According to the feedback on the use of template we made some changes in for example we add some more question regarding the incident so we after giving the answer to those question we have more information what actually happened. Question 3. How to provide information for document Answer: We can use Meta tag which is primary used to help search engines better index a document by supplying additional information about the document. Question4 : Which particular section of the form should prior check the form? Answer: In incident hazard form first check the details of the person to check they are appropriate and then check the details of the incidents what actually happened. Question 5: which software used to make forms for example? Answer: For Incident Form we used software Microsoft word. Macville Private Question and answer for Performance Development form Question1 : Feedback for the use of Templates Answer: Fro the Professional development form we got feedback from the employees and management committee so made some changes in it. First of all we just asked in the form for professional goals then they suggested that if we achieved good response from all of them. Question2. Change in template after feedback Answer: According to the feedback on the use of template we made some changes in for example we made another column of personal goals in professional development form so we can achieve both goal employees personal and professional Question3 : How to provide information for document Answer: We can use Meta tag which is primarily used to help search engines better index a document by supplying additional information about the document. Question4: Which particular section of the form should prior check the form Answer: In Performance development form all the sections are important but firstly we will check the Name of the person and date of reviewed and there goals. Question5: Provide clear instruction for the use of all three forms. Answer: Development form is a really good way to know the employees work performance that how the employee is doing the job and what he/she want to achieve from doing that job and what/where they can do best in the future for the organisation to achieve their targets and mission.

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